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Author and humourist, Larry Vaincourt's writing has been published across Canada, the United States and around the world.

He is best known for his moving poem JUST A COMMON SOLDIER (A Soldier Died Today), which has been reprinted thousands of times worldwide, including publications in Canada, the U.S., Britain, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa and Singapore.

For years the poem has been broadcast nationally every Memorial Day on American radio. The American Legion has posted it throughout their many branches, the Australian Legion included it in their video tribute, Victory in the Pacific, and it was a central part of the 2009 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.  In 2008 it was carved into marble for an American Veteran's Memorial. 

It has been featured in numerous syndicated columns including Ann Landers', broadcast annually on national radio and appears in dozens of anthologies and on thousands of websites. It has also been recorded many times including a touching version by the legendary Connie Francis.

Larry published three volumes of prose and poetry: RHYMES AND REFLECTIONS, DON'T BURN THE BIFFY and JUST A COMMON SOLDIER.

Born in upstate New York, Larry grew up as a farm boy in the rural setting of Covey Hill, Quebec, where he lived until he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in World War II as a Leading Aircraftsman. After serving as an aircraft mechanic and part-time entertainer, he returned to Quebec in 1946. A varied career saw him working as a logger, news photographer (ABC News Pictures), civil servant and metallurgical photographer (Rolls Royce).

Larry embarked upon his writing career first as a regular columnist for THE LACHUTE WATCHMAN. His columns and poetry were carried for over 20 years as a regular feature in publications across Canada and the US, and continue to enjoy success in reprints. His humourous poems also frequently appeared on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) radio program FRESH AIR.

Larry received the 2004 Column of the Year Award from the Quebec Newspaper Association.

Larry passed away on April 20th, 2009, surrounded by his family. His son Randy now handles all business matters on behalf of his father.

Larry final book, HARPER'S HILL, is set to be published this year.